How to record owner contribution in the business?

Owners or co-founders keep investing in their own businesses during early stage of their startup or even at later stage. This helps them to improve the company’s cashflow or make funds available for new equipment, paid marketing or hiring additional staff. Recording capital investments of your own money or your business partner’s money is important for keeping company accounts…

Multi Currency Accounting

Multi Currency Accounting & Invoicing

If you are providing your services to foreign clients, you might want to create invoices in currency that is different than your base currency. ProfitBooks supports multi currency accounting and invoicing. While creating new customers or vendors, you need to specify their currency & ProfitBooks will use that currency in invoices or other vouchers. Lets…


Working With Sales Orders

What is a Sales Order & where is it used? The Sales Order, sometimes abbreviated as SO, is an order issued by a business to a customer. A sales order specifies the details about products and/or services ordered by a specific customer along with the price, quantity and terms and conditions. Businesses use it as a confirmation…